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Idea for new "Double Funnel bowl"


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I was talking on the chat, we were talking about heating the bowl.. I know I always get some tobacco that is still smokeable on the bottom. I then thought about my funnel bowl... how could it be improved to stop this from happening, when I got the idea of the "double funnel bowl". I am not talking about social smoke's new bowl (if you don't understand see the topic called "social smoke bowl"). Well I thought ... hookah smoke is created from evaporated glycerin... so as long as heat is being applied to the shisha, it will smoke. So I came up with this:

So basicly the black squares are coals and the brown is tobacco. It is like a funnel bowl with and outer ring. How does it work, you may ask. You would put the tobacco in around the inner funnel then get 4 japanese coals lit and then 3 of them inside the "outer funnel". After that, you put foil on and then poke holes, then you put 1 coal on top since the other coals are covered with foil, the get some of the air that is coming into the inner, thus heating up the coals in the outer funnel, heating the sides of the bowl, causing an even burn. I imagine that this would also reduce the amount of burnt bowls because you only have one coal directly on top of the bowl.

Would be glad to hear ideas. What do you think Eric?
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Huh...I dunno. On one hand, cleanup looks easier. On the other hand, wouldn't it take longer for the bowl to heat up? And once it did, wouldn't stopping burning tobacco become much more difficult? The direct contact of the coal to ceramic would cause burning FASTER I would think.
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I could be wrong, but it seems like the three outer coals wouldn't do much, since they're not on the foil, and therefore not having air drawn through them. Seems to me that they would just sit there, and it would take forever to heat the ceramic bowl enough to eventually heat the tobacco in the bottom bowl.

However, I've been known to be wrong sometimes, so correct me if I'm way off.
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That tobacco at the bottom is not smokable. Much of the tasty flavors have been boiled out of it. Gravity and suction pulls the juice downwards...thats why its the final refuge of juice....and the top is dried out.

A multi-phunnel bowl would be impossible to form in an easy ceramics project. It would require 5 pieces, from your drawing, and probably wholesale close to $25...reatailing for around $50. I'm not sure it would work that much better.
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