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Hey guys I just ordered my first Hookah to get started.

Up until now I've tried smoking in different ways but I really crave 2 things. Flavor and Ritual. 

For a while I smoked cigarettes (Cloves yo) but they're pretty nasty to me now.

Tried pipe but that's high maintenance. They're really nice though. (A pipe is for thinking. a cigarette is for panicking)

But I like being eccentric and thought...Hookah, let's do it!


So I'm here to get some good information on expanding my knowledge and getting tips for accentuating my smoking experiencing, moving it from a habit into something I do for pleasure.

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Hookah is quite different from other forms of tobacco consumption because you don't burn the leaf (hopefully). It also isn't good for satisfying a nicotine craving because it takes quite a bit longer to get going than a cigarette. 


When your hookah shows up,  we'll be happy to help you get started. 

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