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I smoked hookah for the first time yesterday. We smoked for 4 hours everyone else took breaks however, I felt fine at the time so I didn't break at all. Then today my chest has horrible pain. I don't know what it is. Can anybody tell me? How do I fix it? 

Edited by Ariari
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Your organizm and brain didn't know what is to smoke tobacco before, so he didn't tell you to stop smoking. Next day you feel pain because 4 hours of smoking is very, very long. For first time, without enough skill, you should to smoke not more than 30 minutes. Even hookah masters dont smoke for 4 hours a day)

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I used to smoke all day in college when I wasn't in class or sleeping. 

Part of it could have been with improper packing and heat management. In other words, could have actually burned the shisha, whereas proper method bakes it so it's more a vapor than straight smoke.

Another thing could be your body's reaction with co2 from charcoal. Need to stay well hydrated, but also its good to be in a well ventilated area. If charcoal wasn't properly lit or wrong charcoal, that would be a major factor. In example, food grilling charcoal can kill you.

Hope this helps, and that your next hookah experience is better

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