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So I am on the train today for 8 hours with chances to smoke a cigarette being 1 time during the trip I decided to pick up a can of general mint snus. This has really kept the urge to smoke a cigarette away the whole trip. I wish I would have thought about this before
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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm not addicted to nicotine, but I do enjoy a snus in the afternoon at work to help me focus and avoid HF.

I started off with the Camel ones and have tried the Marlboro ones but the General Snus are much much better. Theres a cigar store downtown that sells General. I like the Mint the best.
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  • 6 months later...

I hear ya. Me and a few friends usually order like 200-300 cans at a time. Runs about 3-4 a can depending on brand. Then I throw them in a freezer bag, toss em in the freezer, and thaw a can whenever I want one. They last forever if you keep them frozen. I have some discontinued flavors from 2008 that I open and are perfectly good as new.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are you guys talking about Nasal Snuff? Because for some reason it is the only form of tobacco use I have not personally tried I think mostly the thought of sniffing tobacco up my nose freaks me the fuck out.


I do however Dip (Moist Snuff) on the Regular Copehagen Straight I find that to be pretty darn relaxing I can do it why working with both my hands free or relaxing at a computer terminal. Just got to watch your spit bottles I personally keep one and wash it regularly and reuse it. Screw Caps Only. However I never leave a bottle in a public place just sitting around. It is gross to leave spit cups lying around.


My favorite form is Chewing Tobacco but Price + The Increased Quanity of Spit = Not Effective for Regular use especially anything with a lot of talking. You would also have to empty your spittoon several times during one chaw.

Edited by InfernoRaven
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No, it's tobacco in a pouch like bandits but you put it in your top lip instead of your bottom lip and I think it is a little easier on the gums.  Also, you don't have to spit; it doesn't produce a lot of juice/spit.


I like it for the same reason you like dip. It helps me focus on work instead of constantly checking HF.  I need to pick some more up.  At one point I just lost interest in it and stopped doing it.   Almost like I forgot to do it.  I wasn't trying to quit or anything.

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Yeah you can swallow bc it is 100% food grade products. It has shown no signs of causing cancer and Sweeden has the owest rate of mouth cancer in the world. Sweedish snus is the REAL DEAL folks, anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know shit.


American dip has come a long way but still isn't as safe as sweedish snus. TSNA's in snus are less than 1, dip is usually around 7-10 ppm. You can get snus in portion (pouches) or loose aka los just like dip but it has a much finer cut and requires some technique and practice for it to not "mud slide" it is sorta like playdough in los form. I have been snusing for years and do not get any soreness no redness dentist has never noticed. With dip it tore the shit out of my mouth and I would always get little soares that sucked ass. There are tons of requirements for snus and is regulated by gothiatek in sweeden. Strict requirements and so legit that if you order from Sweeden they deliver it with 2 day ups express because they require snus to be off the freezer for no more than 48 hours.


Also TSNA's do not rise as snus nears it's expiration, dip rises rapidly. So if you get old cans of dip it is doing more harm, snus remains the same always.


But dip is stronger flavored, sweeter, more in your face, snus is more like a fine wine that takes some time for it to grow on you. There are tons of levels of flavors within one flavor.


They don't even put this causes cancer or mouth cancer etc etc, it just says this may negatively effect your health bc to this date Sweedish Snus has shown ZERO signs of causing any type of cancer PERIOD and it has been around since I believe the 1700s! In sweeden Doctors congratulate patients when they tell them they snus.


Oh and also snus is much stronger. Original strength is 8mg Sterk is 9-13 extra sterk is 14-19 and ultra is 20-24mg of nicotine per gram. The strongest dip you will find has about 8-10mg of nicotine. Lastly you get about 40g per can for snus and 34 for dip and snus for quality stuff is about 3.50 per can that is shipped from sweeden.


You think Tangiers buzz's hard .. go try some extra sterk/ultra snus

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Ah swedish snus, we down here refer to them as snus not snuff, similar to pouches but not quite, I heard they are extremely popular with women over the pond. But I have never seen them locally.


Florida Terminology:


Snuff = Nasal

Snus = Swedish Snus

Dip = Moist Snuff

Chew = Chewing Tobacco


I have seen the scientific data that shows that Swedish Snus is better than anything American, I also saw they are coming out with nicotine *shots* to add to your drink similar to the now shotdown Nicotine Water idea.

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