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Quick Lights Or Cocanaras

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I prefer natural coals, not necessaricly coconaras though.


QL's give a noticeable flavor and give me headaches when I use them. naturals also last a lot longer, don't smell while lighting, and give off a lower heat (giving more efficient heat control on the bowl)


as far as clouds go, it depends on your heat management.. also depends on you.. some people will use too much heat giving them great clouds, but they're also burning the bowl and killing the flavor of the tobacco. good clouds can be had from any coals, as long as you are good with heat management

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That just about covered it perfectly, as for what brand of coals you should use, poke around the review sections to see what strikes your fancy... personally I use bamboocha naturals, but they seem to be very limited to europe
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On topic, I used to use QL's a few years ago when I first stated, quickly moved to naturals. I have never looked back... Except when traveling.

Edited by grock
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For the love of sweet hookah smoking god! Quicklights are terrible. Just utterly and completely terrible in any hookah smoking experience. They smell, they add a noticeable taste to your shisha, messy, and worse off for your health than a natural coal like coconara.

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