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Acid Reflux/heartburn?


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Im a cig smoker for years and recently I've been going through a lot so i smoke more with stress.

i started chewing to cut back and it helps.

i prefer skoal extra, long cut wintergreen.

anyone get heartburn from dipping? i hear its common to skoal and cope doesn't do it bad, but cope shreds your mouth worse. thoughts?
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I don't chew...but maybe taking 1tbsp of apple cider vinegar before hand might help. It's a natural remedy that may just do the trick for you...but not sure though. The theory behind apple cider vinegar is the increase the acid in the stomach to help digest food...but nicotine increases stomach acid levels. So maybe taking baking soda would reverse the affect.

Stress + nicotine is not good if you don't want heartburn. Hopefully one of the listed remedies will help.
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If I'm feeling a little acidic, Snus will irritate that. I think its the nature of putting tobacco in your mouth.

What other acidic foods/drinks are you having through out the day?

I went through a diet of black coffee and burritos for a while but started getting heartburn and stopped.

Try to balance the ph in your diet, like puting milk in your coffee and avoiding acidic foods.
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  • 2 months later...
I have stopped for now, but I was drinking carmel macchiato in morning and sobe life water thru the day...I used to have this problem when I was a heavy pop (soda) drinker
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