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Potion Oooz

Set up:
Magdy Zidan Perpetual River
Socialsmoke Clay Bowl
Reynolds HD 1 layer

Cut: Alot of large uncut leaves, looked like kelp.

Smell: Black Licorice!

Taste: Well... it tastes like black licorice.

Buzz: none

Clouds: Average

Duration: 1 hour (I smoke till the coals go out)

Overall: 5/10
I bought this solely because I was curious of the flavor because of the name. I was dissapointed. Oooz sounds like it would be a cool mixture of flavors, but instead it's just plain ol black licorice. How lame is that! I actually like black licorice so it was an average smoke. However, Al Fakher licorice is way better. Don't buy this!
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