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Mello Mango


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Potion Mello Mango Flavor

Setup: Simple 22" Egyptian, Rolland Natural Fingers, Regular Clay Bowl

Cut: Mixed cut, like starbuzz. Very juicy. 9/10

Smell: I like the smell, smells like mangoes but with a hint of something sweeter. I couldnt get over the thought that there was a black pepper finish to it though, or something that smelled like black pepper before it's cracked. I think it's just me though. 7.5/10

Smoke: Smoke was rich, tasted like mangoes. Very thick. I love the fact that it was difficult if impossible to burn, I couldnt do it although I wasnt trying. It just happens sometimes, but it didnt happen with this tobacco. 9/10

Overall: I'd give this tobacco an 8.9/10. I'd definitely smoke it again and plan to. I want to get my friends' inputs on it as well. I just want to take this opportunity again to thank Tarik and Ramsey for sending this to me, great stuff. Home state tobacco for the win! Planning to buy more flavors.

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mello mango

Setup: 40 inch brass egyptian, 1 40mm 3kings quicklite, standard egyptian clay bowl.

Appearance: dark brown and very moist, but not dripping.

Smell: not very strong, not weak either.

Smoke: thick white clouds.

Flavor: subtle. not so strong, sort of sweet with a little mint aftertaste.

Buzz: none

Duration: 1 hour, but could`ve smoked a bit longer with another coal.

Overall: 7/10 it was good, just a little dissapointed that the flavor wasn`t stronger.

thank you mnhookah!
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Here goes my first review...

Mello Mango

Setup: 14" MYA QT Hookah, standard MYA bowl and 1 33mm Swiftlite coal.

Appearance: dark brown and very moist, but not dripping.

Smell: A sweet mango smell not too strong, just right I'd say.

Smoke: Got some thick clouds with it.

Flavor: Wasn't as strong as I'd hope but a noticable sweet mango taste, very nice.

Buzz: Got a little but this is probably cause I only smoke Al fakher tobbaco.

Duration: I've only put on two coals so far and its been about 45mins, think it would take another coal...so I'm thinking it'd last an hour an a half maybe

Overall: 7/10 it was a nice flavour I would have prefered if it had a stronger mago taste.
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Potion Mellow Mango

Setup: KM Mash'al
Bowl: Small Superchief
Hose: Nammor
Screen/Foil: 1 Layer tons of little holes over the tobacco trough
Coal: 2 quaters of Exotica adding as needed
Liquid In base: Water

Cut: Pretty nice. I dont think there is anything to complain about it. Very Juicy.

Smell: Like Mango. Very strong. In fact kinda overpowering.

Taste: Amazing. Not nearly as strong as it smells, in fact pretty mellow mangoish

Smoke Thickness: Much.

Buzz: None

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes

Overall : Its a good flavor. I really liked it.
8/10 Edited by SimplexCoda
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Brand and Flavor: Potion Mello Mango

Shisha Cut: Medium very wet with small stems. If it was dyed I couldn't tell.

Hookah Type: 30" Syrian

Duration: 45mins

Bowl: Lebanese porcelain

Foil / Screen: Foil, single sheet

Coal / Amount: Belgian Instant-Lite, 33mm

Smoke: Thick, good clouds once good heat was reached.

Buzz: none

Smell / Flavor: The smell was a slight mango with a heavy Texas ruby red grapefruit smell. The flavor was exactly the same. Every now and then the mango would come through but for the most part it was the sweet grapefruit taste. Not bad just not enough mango flavor. Since I like grapefruit it wasn't a dissapointment. And the flavor was solid til the end.

Rating (1 to 10): 7/10 Dinged for the stems and lack of mango flavor. A good smoke just not as much mango as I would have liked. It could have gone longer than 45 mins but I ran out of QLs. Next time I'll try this one with some lemonwood naturals.

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  • 1 year later...
[size="3"][b]Potion [color="#ff8c00"]Mango[/color][/b][/size]

[b]Hookah: [/b]Mya Saray Mozza w/ wine bottle base
[b]Bowl: [/b]Ultimate Combo Bowl
[b]Screen/Foil: [/b]Stainless Screen
[b]Hose: [/b]Nammor
[b]Coals: [/b]Coconara
[b]Base Liquid: [/b]Water

[b]Appearance: [/b]Fine cut, swimming in juice, mushy consistency, and a few large uncut leaves
[b]Nicotine:[/b] 0.5%
[b]Base:[/b] Honey & Glycerin
[b]Smell: [/b]Mango
[b]Taste:[/b] Slight Mango
[b]Smoke:[/b] Good
[b]Buzz:[/b] None
[b]Duration:[/b] 1 Hour

[b]Purchased From:[/b] Hookah-Shisha.com

[b]Overall:[/b] 0/10 It smells slight but the taste is total blank! I wouldn't buy this again ever.
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