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California Dream


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california dream

pretty juicy, smells like a red tootsie pop and hawaiian punch. tastes more like hawaiian punch when you smoke it, and the flavor lasts quite a while. i stopped hitting it after a while but all the people in the room kept saying how good it tasted still towards the end of the bowl.

PICK THIS FLAVOR UP!!! its strong as hell but doesnt overpower and get sickening. good mix with fusion mango raspberry.
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  • 6 months later...
Al Waha California Dream

Setup: roughly 22" Mitsuba 2 Hose w/ 2 Golden Coals on a screen, base of lemonade gatoraid.

At first I was sketchy due to the appearance, really thought it was low quality, but during the smoke, my opinion really changed....

Flavor: Just like the smell, sort of a cross between hawaiin punch and a combo of pinapple, some kinda berry, papaya, mango, a good hint of lime...sort of a tropical fruit basket you get for the holidays. Really hard to define the exact flavors within though. I give the flavor a ten.
Smoke thickness: Some of the thickest I've had, the only thing thicker than this was when I've had Nakhla with three 3king coals on it. Could actual do a disappear with it.
Buzz: Intense. Felt like when I first started smoking cigarettes, it is simply great.
Overall: I give it a 9. The flavor stays with it all the way, alters through different fruit flavors during the smoke. I love the buzz and the smoke amount.
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  • 2 months later...
Al Waha California Dreams

Set up:30' egyptian 2 3k coals indoors with windcover and screen.

Packaging: standard 50g box and shrink wrap

: light orange tint, rather dry

Smell: very citrusy

Taste: Pleasent citrus taste, mixture of lemon pine-apple, and orange, however did not last long

Smoke: decent, but rather wispy, but that was probbly due to craptastic coals my sub-par setup skills

Length: 1 hour...maybe less

Buzz: INTENSE!! hit me like a Mac-Truck after 5 puffs....still floating a bit

Overall: 6.8/10 Flavor was pleasent, however shortlived. Smoke, I am sure could have been better harnessed with another try. Biggest redeeming quality was the hard-core buzz, was hard to rank this one. good, but not great
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Al Waha California Dreams

Set up:KM Hafa with small phunnel, mod, and compressed coconut coals from HC

Packaging: Same AW 50g box with AW's new red sealed package

Appearence: orange, rather dry

Smell: Citrus like with undertones of pineapple

Taste: It freggin tasted like Tang!

Smoke: I managed to get some decent clouds

Length: 2hr but there still was unburned shisha (had to go to sleep)

Buzz: Hit me like a howitzer after a few puffs! But after a while into the session and a grilled stuft burrito form taco bell later I was enjoying it!

Overall: 7/10 Flavor was good but not great. I was expecting more of a fruit medley but I got Tang! Which is not bad but not what I was expecting either!

(Thanks Neal! You roxx my sox)
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  • 4 months later...
Al Waha California Dream

Setup: Modern 17 Hookah, Small Phunnel, 3 halfs of 40mm 3kings coals

Appearance: Red dye everywhere!!! sad.gif but thats ok doesnt bother me too much. Some stems. Smelled like Starburst gummys or life saver gummys I LOVED IT!!

Smoke: Pretty nice clouds

Buzz: Slight buzz

Flavor: It was beautiful my favorite Al Waha flavor.

Overall. 9/10 taking 1 off for the ridiculous dye, def my favorite al waha flavor. Still have to try after-nine.
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  • 3 months later...
Product-Al-Waha California Dreams

Hookah-Mya Bambino

Bowl-Standard Mya

Hose-Standard Mya

Foil-Reynolds HD

Coals-Golden 2 Japanese golden coals

Cut-Typical al waha cut a with the usual stems die a red color and a tad dry 5/10

Smell-Citrus and pineapple 8/10

Taste-Citrus and pineapple with a hint of cherry nothing stands just blends together. Also the flavor is a bit milder 6/10

Smoke- thinner than normal 6/10

Buzz-kind of there

Longevity-the flavor sticks 8/10

Overall-7/10 decent I guess just a it weak on flavor and smoke Edited by Fluffy
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  • 8 months later...
Al Waha California Dream

Appearance: Short cut, dark, lots of stems
Nicotine: 0.5%
Base: molasses and glycerin
Smell: Sweet, Little fruity
Taste: Sweet but dull
Smoke: Good Clouds
Buzz: Not a bad buzz, little in the beginning
Duration: 1 - 1.5 Hour

Purchased From: southsmoke.com or cigar king

Overall: 9/10 Personally I love this flavor. My friend and I always have at least an extra 250g tub of it sitting around because it sells out frequently. The taste is extremely smooth as is the smoke. You get some really nice clouds although when your nearing your third of fourth coal they tend to get smaller.
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  • 2 years later...
[i][b]Al Waha California Dream[/b][/i]

[i][b]Hookah[/b][/i]; Mya Chique

[i][b]Base liquid[/b][/i]; Water

[i][b]Bowl[/b][/i]; Vortex

[i][b]Foil/Screen[/b][/i]; Reynold's Wrap

[i][b]Coals[/b][/i]; Quicklites

[i][b]Hose[/b][/i]; Standard 72" Mya

[i][b]Appearance[/b][/i]; Brownish orange, leafy, decently wet, few stems, overall standard Al Waha

[i][b]Nicotine[/b][/i]; 0.5% (standard Al Waha)

[i][b]Smell[/b][/i]; Citrus punch! Tangy, sweet, literally made my mouth water

[i][b]Taste[/b][/i]; Exactly how it smells, sort of reminds me of blue Kool-aid, very refreshing, the pineapple really came through

[i][b]Smoke[/b][/i]; Fairly thick, didn't take terribly long to get that way, smooth, does fade a bit more at the end than expected

[i][b]Duration; [/b][/i]About 40 min on a standard Mya head by myself, about 1hr 45 min between 3 of us using my Vortex

[i][b]Overall Rating[/b][/i]; 9.0/10

This is the very first flavor I tried when I received my first hookah last year. It made such an impression that now, I always have at least 50g on hand. I highly recommend this, both to novices and experienced smokers, definitely Al Waha's best flavor in my opinion.
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