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Political Extremists


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Don't know what else to say.. Please read. Like, comment, share to your liking..

Please post any oppositely opinionated comments here, I definitely want to hear them, but not on the page. Add me as a friend if you want/need to to read the post.

Started as a rant, but evolved as I typed.

Mods, I don't think I'm braking any rules, but I understand if the need is felt to remove the link, etc. ( I don't think it's that bad)

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[quote name='Stuie' timestamp='1352216155' post='560067']

[u][b]FACEBOOK CENSORSHIP!!!!!!!!![/b][/u]

Honestly that is so extremely possible that its sad...but hey if they can sell your information to the Government, they can sure as hell censor their own site :/
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Perhaps I have it set To be viewed only by friends.. copy pasta......

[b] Sometimes I wonder if my intelligence is being wasted.. Then I realize that according to this terrible society we live in, it is.. But with all of the people I've seen affected by my words I realize I'm playing my part in a hopeful change in the future. With my thoughts maybe I've planted and am planting enough seeds to eventually, one day, make the change we need. This world is terribly preoccupied with the mundane and meaningless. Millions of lives, set to waste to insignificant ends. People without a purpose. Should the purpose not be to further the human race? Instead it has been predisposed to further the individual. I'm tired of everyone being so self-centered. Too many of us are meaningless souls. Take the life you have and use it to further us. We are, after all, one whole being, as a race.

Take a pack of wolves for instance. They work together to benefit the pack. Take some losses for the eventual and certain gain of the pack.

Why is it, that we allow a political institution rule us as people, when we are the ones who should rule the institution? It is, after all, our institution. Is it not?

We as citizens have lost sight of our own rights over the years. And even when we see our follies, we do nothing about it. We know there is corruption in the system, yet we do nothing about it. Is it out of cowardice? Is it out of a lack of strength? Is it out of hesitation? Is it out of indifference? Is it out of illiteracy?

Fear? Were American, why should we fear our government, that which literally spells freedom in its rights.

Strength your issue? We are many, our ideals are few and tantamount.

Are you hesitant? Again, there are many who agree with you.. Take those feelings and put them towards the greater good.

Indifference? You know there is a problem, it's time to do something about it!

Do you not understand what is going on? The information is literally at your fingertips.

This is our country, we all know there are issues at hand, far beyond and one mans control. Things need to be taken to another level. Our rights are stripped away on a regular basis, yet we stand idle. We vote for the "lesser of two evils". Other countries mock us. Not so long ago we were a feared nation. A proud nation. We could hold our heads high without fear, indifference, cowardice, or hesitation.

We were once a feared nation. Once a proud nation. At one point, were were a nation that never hesitated to fight for it's rights. We once fought against odds far beyond our current state of perception, and now we all stand idly by while we watch those rights our forefathers fought and died to allow. Slowly, over the years, we have become a complacent nation.
This goes beyond a simple vote during this election. This goes beyond what any of us would have ever imagined during our lifetime. A stand needs to be taken, yet so many of us still sit idly by..

We sit, struggling between two parties for this election.. Both parties have strong points, both have weak. With the many people we have in this, once great, nation how is it that we're stuck in this predicament? Between a rock and a hard place, as they say? The leader of our country during this election will matter little, as it has over the past 4 years, and as it has far beyond that. We've slowly allowed our rights as a free nation to be stripped away from us. And we've willingly given them away.

If our forefathers looked at us now they would surely shake their heads. If given the opportunity, they wouldn't even spit upon our graves for it wouldn't be worth their saliva. If only you would open your eyes.. If only you would truly work towards change.

Hardship will come either way. Will you allow yourself to be controlled, or will you be a controller, as it should be? We all live in this once great nation together. It's time to once again regain control. It's been far too long since we've had the power once designed to be ours. Please, I beg of you. Sit idle no longer. DO something with this life. Make a real change for the better of this nation. For the better of the world. For the better of humankind all together![/b]
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