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Fakher Al Sham Natural Finger Coals

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Brand: Fakher Al Sham

Ease of lighting: Takes about 5 minutes to heat chunks up on a Camping stove

Smell: Zilcho!

Taste: pure shisha taste, couldnt smell or taste anything from these coals.

Longevity. They stay alight, unlike some other coals i have used. They ash uniformly (being a olive seed compound coal). Usually 2 chunks are good for at leats half an hours smoking, with ashing usually once or twice in that time.

I really like these coals, their ash is easier to manage then lemon wood naturals. They light easier then lemon wood naturals or my faux-japanese coals (easy-light). The only thing i dont like about these coals, is their shape.

The fingers are a darn sight easier to manage then chunks of natural charcoal, but for some reason i prefer a 40mm disk of quicklight (star brand) because its just the right amount of heat, and a much better shape.

I'd give these a 9/10. Everythin about them besides their shape is perfect.
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