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Taru Quicklight Coals


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Taru Charcoals
i bought these at a local, weird NHT related store that i go to only if im desperate. (im strictly S-H-I-S-H-A)
anyways i never even got the chance smoke with them. but i did light them
The initial light up was very odd. I had it in my tongs and i lit it like a would any other quicklite held my lighter underneath until it stopped sparking, after this i placed it on the tray and turned around. Literally like 4 secs later all i hear is this fizzing noise and i turn around and i see a ton of smoke. and all of the sudden i was like shit somethings on fire. So i was like thankgod when i noticed it was just the coal but i mean i didnt expect that from a charcoal. So yeah after it stopped smoking it was completly lit up and looked good for smoking, but then all i could smell is this dingy weird burning smell coming from it. So it fills up my entire house and everyone is pissed off about it. They thought i was burning plastic. So yeah I have nine of these sitting in my room and maybe ill try them when its good enough outside to smoke because they might have a good smoke just not a good light up. Edited by camelflage
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  • 2 months later...
taru self lights, 33mm. these coals are ok i guess, except for the funky ass smell from lighting them. they seem to keep putting off some sort of pungent smell the whole time they are lit, which usually isnt too long, but it doesnt affect flavor much. i just bought the second roll of them ive had because i couldnt wait for my mail order to get here. they burn hot but tend to fall apart easily when you drop them in the tray. i wouldnt use these unless its a last resort
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  • 11 months later...
Taru Quicklights:

Innexpencive Coals, However, Terrible Quality.

Supposedly quick-lighting, but they require 5 minutes of lighting different regions of the coal and blowing on them to successfully light all areas, which by then has ashed off 30% of the innitially lit areas of the coal.

The coals outgas tremendously during the lighting process, visible hot smoke with a toxic tar like odour.

Ashing is rediculous. Every 5 minutes, there is a gigantic layer of ash around the coal, its almost impossible to have a 1+ seshion without piles of ash falling into your shisha.

Heat is weak. During the majority of their burn-life, you can barely feel the heat of them when you hold your hand a few centimeters over the bowl.

Unbelievably short life span. It takes about 10 minutes to get them going properly, you get about 10-15 minutes of quality burn-time, then another 10 of gross, weak, mild heat. All the while, ashing them constantly.

Chemical Release: Using these coals is probably close to the most effective way to achieve carbon-monoxide poisoning next to sucking on a car exhaust pipe. Expect a nice 3 day headache if you choose to have a full-length session using them. This is most likely because the coals use extremely cheap materials, similar to that of a coal used on a barbeque. The easy-ignition outside coating is also made of potassium-nitrate, a chemical used in gunpowder and an extremely toxic chemical when burnt and inhaled.

In conclusion, these are probably the worst coals on the market and should not even be for sale. Do everything you can to avoid using them, they are simply a waste of money and a quick way to make yourself sick. Holding a cigarette lighter to your bowl of Shisha would be preferable by a long shot.

-32/10. Edited by Joshmmc
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  • 1 month later...
Taru Qls

Bought these locally as my shop was out of 3K, and now I wish I hadn't bought them..

Smell-give off a nasty smell when lighting, took a few min to get going too

Taste- Def add a woody type taste to the session

Duration- maybe 45min

Ash- these things ash a ton!!

Overall- 5/10

They get the job done, but arent really too good. Won't be buying again Edited by ryno
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