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*NEW* Cobra hose on the market

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Hey guys. Just wanted to share a new product with you all.The last time I visited Samir from Taqseem Hookah's over at his warehouse, a crazy hose caught my eye. Samir told me all about his new product that he said he designed himself, and was stunned with his new hose.Well I'm sure most of you know what a traditional Cobra hose looks like, but as you can see in the pictures that follow, this is no ordinary, run of the mill cobra hose. Apparently it is 7' long, and can come in either a light brown or green headpiece. Also, the hose material looks like snake skin, which I think is a really nifty idea.They can be found on his Taqseem Ebay store, and look to be 29.99 and up retail, but he just wanted me to let you guys know that if you let me know who you are and are a member of the forum, you ofcourse get a special price.I asked Samir to send me some pictures so I could put them up here. So here they are:[img]http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/9281/hose3vw.jpg[/img][img]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/6339/hose14qh.jpg[/img][img]http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/8696/hose25vg.jpg[/img][img]http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/3599/taqseemcobra14xz.jpg[/img][img]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/4749/taqseemcobrahead10qj.jpg[/img][img]http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/5531/taqseemcobramaterial11rk.jpg[/img][img]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/8674/taqseemcobratip19ci.jpg[/img]So yeah, thats about it. I know for sure that the next time I'm back in town visiting my home, I'll be visiting Samir to pick up one of these babies for my hookah ;)So yeah, what does everyone think about it? I know lots of people like to keep hookah more traditional and would hate this hose, but there are also tons of people out there who do like to see more inovative ideas being brought to the hookah world (me being one :) ). So feel free to give your opinions on this new hose, even if its just to say you don't like it. Its always nice to here everyones opinions.
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Good point with the washable-ness of the hose. I'm not sure. I neglected to ask in my excited state. Hopefully Samir will chime in and answer that one.As for the draw, once again I do not know. I will let you all know ofcourse when I'm able to get my hands on one, but I imagine it should be pretty free-flowing.
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I saw one of these Friday night. I brought my brother in law to a hookah café for his first time and I saw one in use by a table. Not sure if it is exactly the same piece, but it looked just like the picture with the cobra head and hose etc. To be honest, it looked pretty absurd. I wouldn't buy one.
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From the pics, I think it looks pretty cool... but it kind of strikes more of a collectible item than a hose to use often. Pretty cool for them hookah collectors. Is there a price tag known for that hose? (perhaps it was said and did not read it ...)
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if i were the type who bought mystic dragon statues and hung fantasy swords on my walls i would definately buy one of those. Im not though and i think all that stuff is tacky and lame. the original cobra hoses are very cool, this one looks like a toy. i wouldnt use one if it was given to me (unless i didnt have another hose)
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