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New Homemade Shisha Is Amazing

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So quite a while back me and Akammenzind got the idea to try to make our own shisha since a little while ago he received a good bit of tobacco. We knew a lot of people on the forums hadn't had much luck with making their own, but we decided what the heck. After quite a bit of testing we finally came up with 5 flavors. We did a final test on them all tonight and we were much more than surprised and happy with how amazing they smoked. I'm talking, this is premium stuff.

So you're all probably wondering what flavors we made. Well, we made what we could with the ingredients at hand. Here are the five and a short breakdown of what they were like:

Florida Orange: Honestly, I'm not just saying it, but it was the best orange flavor I've ever had. Im not a fan of orange to begin with but this tasted 100% just like the fruit. It took a little while to get it smoking because we made it a little too wet at first but after about 10 minutes it was smoking clouds like AF.

Pizzelle: We named this flavor pizzelle because it tases just like pizzelle cookies (you know, those lovely little waffle cookies that you end up eating more than you plan to). It was a nice lively flavor with just the same quality smoke. Took a little while to heat up, probably the longest at about 15 minutes I think, but after that it was going great.

Candy Cane: Mmmm, we both loved this flavor. It was the best mint related shisha I've ever smoked. Seriously like a peppermint candy cane, reminds you of the holidays. This one produced nice clouds within 5 minutes and great flavor from the first hit. It was cool and refreshing and just overall amazing, we ended up smoking this one for about 45 minutes and we would've smoked it much longer if we didn't have the others to try too.

Chicken Noodle Soup: Yes, you heard me right. We really went out on a limb with this. We were really scared to even try it and just plain didn't think it was going to work. But low and behold, after about 10 minutes of smoking we were getting chicken noodle flavored clouds. It was pretty good for the first 15-20 minutes. Seriously it tasted just like chicken, which was very bizarre but also exciting that we actually broke the normal fruity flavors and came up with something never done before. My basement still smells like a kitchen, but honestly it made both of us feel full like we had eaten a lot of chicken so it's not something you can smoke for a long period of time or something you can smoke every week, but its definitely something more different than we've and most likely you've ever had.

We recorded some videos of us smoking. Ill have them up on youtube within a half hour so you guys can see it. Also we had a strawberry flavor that just plain failed. It didn't taste like anything but we didn't mind, we got some great flavors, and one very unusual flavor. I'll update this when I get the video up.

EDIT: The video is up and online. Here is the link! Edited by jordanneff
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Chicken noodle eh? Very strange.
The others sound good from what you say, nice job making it. I doubt that I could make my own. (and have it turn out good...) Edited by NJE03
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QUOTE (MechAnt @ Mar 25 2008, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Chicken noodle sounds awesome! Since you have chicken down, you should make a Halal flavor, the New York City street food stuff.

Congats..making your own shisha is the greatest...you feel so great when someone sits down in front of you and just exudes excitement with each hit..
so my question to you is?
why did it take so long for all your tobacco to start up and get smoking..?
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where the hell is the peanut butter?!?!?!?!?!?!?

lol i've wanted peanut butter shisha since the first day i smoked hookah
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Well the reason why some took a while to start smoking is we believe we made them too wet. We dabbed the candy cane flavor with paper towels and it was puffing big clouds within 4-5 minutes so we've about nailed that problem.

As for peanut butter, we actually were thinking about how to make that. After these great successes we're talking about making a bigger batch and sending out some samples. If you guys enjoy our shisha at much as we do then we'll probably go into small production, ie: selling some to forum members, and maybe ever to online vendors like mnhookah if they like it enough.

But we've been in talks about a lot of different flavors we'll have to try. Both normal fruity flavors and off the wall flavors like chicken soup.

PS: My computer is lagging pretty bad because youtube hates me and the video is chugging trying to upload so who knows how long it will be before it's up. Ill do my very best though to get it up before I go to bed (in about 2 hours). Keep the replies coming though guys, tell us what you think of our idea and if you'd be interested in trying some of them.
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QUOTE (MechAnt @ Mar 25 2008, 11:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Chicken noodle sounds awesome! Since you have chicken down, you should make a Halal flavor, the New York City street food stuff.

+1 for that Halaal Chicken please biggrin.gif

I do not know if I would like it as you stated, but I would try it, since you had the same thoughts.

Great video, looks like you two were enjoying it very much!
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it looks like you got it...enjoy
i enjoyed the video..chicken noodle soup sounds crazy good..i like the idea that your actually experimenting..so massive props to you guys..and hey keep them coming...watch out if you want to send out free samples..people will almost jump you for a free sample then complain if you don't send them another one...lol....gots to make you laugh a bit here......but good for you guys...and wait til you smoke with someone else..that is awesome when they enjoy more than you would expect...
pride of creation is great feeling...
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QUOTE (Bushbr @ Mar 26 2008, 06:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
where the hell is the peanut butter?!?!?!?!?!?!?

lol i've wanted peanut butter shisha since the first day i smoked hookah

Ah ....as I was reading this thread I was just wandering about Bushbr's peanut butter and low and behold here he comes with his peanut butter!!!! laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif


Anyway the Candy Cane souunds SUPER COOL!! and ofcourse +1 to the chicken noodle flavour!

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QUOTE (austinthecity @ Mar 25 2008, 11:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
can i smoke chicken noodle soup if i get sick?


I don’t think I could smoke chicken noodle soup that’s just too out there for me. But congratulations on making some good shisha.

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Yeah, well chicken soup is definitely a flavor for the adventurous, it's really more different than anything I've ever had but it's pretty true to the taste. When we end up sending out samples (within the coming week, we'll post a thread specifically for it) we're going to ask that only people who really think they'd like it to try it. I mean, Ill admit its not something I could smoke often but then again Im not much of a chicken noodle soup fan as far as the actual food goes.

In all honesty the chicken noodle soup flavor was just a crazy experiment to see if we could do something that no one else had done before. But hey if you love chicken noodle soup and think you'd like smoking it then be my guest.

But really I think our other flavors are where we're trying to go most with this. They're all so great. I can't wait to get samples to as many of you as we can so you can try it too!
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QUOTE (jordanneff @ Mar 26 2008, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, well chicken soup is definitely a flavor for the adventurous, it's really more different than anything I've ever had but it's pretty true to the taste. When we end up sending out samples (within the coming week, we'll post a thread specifically for it) we're going to ask that only people who really think they'd like it to try it. I mean, Ill admit its not something I could smoke often but then again Im not much of a chicken noodle soup fan as far as the actual food goes.

In all honesty the chicken noodle soup flavor was just a crazy experiment to see if we could do something that no one else had done before. But hey if you love chicken noodle soup and think you'd like smoking it then be my guest.

But really I think our other flavors are where we're trying to go most with this. They're all so great. I can't wait to get samples to as many of you as we can so you can try it too!

Once again well done!!!!!!!

and you can count me in on the candy cane once samples come our way !!!

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