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One Less Fucking Spammer....

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OMG! There was girl in my highschool that was all bumpy on the back of her legs (like bad ingrown hairs that turned into pimples SOOOOOOO NASTY and she always wore shorts) Well the joke was you'd stick your wang in her and it would come out looking like a corn cob......... That b.o.b (Battery operated boyfriend) gives it a WHOLE new meaning. I almost shot coca cola out of my nose. *SNORT*

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If he wanted to, he could ban users from a whole ISP, or a IP that starts with a certain number.

For example if he noticed spammers posting from two different IPs and they started with the same address (Meaning they're on a router), he could say ban IP (This is a random IP) 323.24.234.XX. Any IPs starting with that would not be able to access the forum.

I'm sure theres more ways, but I've never been a mod before. Is it possible to block people from connecting through all proxy connections? You may not want to answer that, and I wouldn't blame you for it. Edited by Bryantos
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