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Your Standard "go To" Bowl

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Which bowl is your Standard go to bowl. I don't mean your "Standard bowl" meaning like Funnel, or Super Chief. I mean "Standard bowl" bowl.smile.gif I currently use a Mya Saray bowl and find that it works quite well. a little stange though since it's unglazed it tends to hold a mix of flavors and is impossible to clean, it's little small, but pretty deep and sometimes it doesn't get down to the bottom without destroying the top. Some people love the socal smoke bowl but say its too shallow, some use a shallow but wide bowl, and others swear by a glass bowl like the smiley bowl.

Barring all the other cool bowls that are out there that work wonders, if you had to choose one bowl to use for the rest of time, what would be yours?

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Speaking of which, can someone post some pictures of the hole configuration and looking down into the bowl of the Tangiers head? Cant seem to find them anywhere
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