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The Great Recession



I've heard this term used frequently. The Great recession is going to eventually change the way we work and do business as much as the Great Depression. i was born at the end of WW II and all my parents ever seemed to say was how bad it was in the depression. Today, while surfing news I found some signs of how this event will change us. First off, companies are hiring part time, temporary and contractual labor. That means no benefits, no insurance, no retirement no employer matched funds going to unemployment and social security. This analyst predicts 60% of jobs to be of this kind by 2012.
Colorado Springs has started a program that basically ends many municipal services and replaces them with volunteers. Grounds maintenance, parks and rec, some social services are being picked up my volunteer organizations and faith based groups.
In Arizona( and perhaps elsewhere) in an effort to raise revenue are stoMFing and ticketing out of state motorists and demanding high fines. 62% of ticketed motorists are ignoring the tickets. People( not only Hispanics) are avoiding Arizona like the plague!
With all the conservative talk of limited government and privatized services, we are going to see a very different America emerge.An America of haves and have nots, with great barriers in between.
Anyone interested in reading about one man's vision of the future, should pick up a few books by Robert Kaplan. It gets kind of scary.
OK,I'm an old fart and ain't going to around for too long. I am dependent on entitlements right now, social security suMFlements a meager retirement account that lost over 50% in Oct 2008 and I depend on the Veteran's Administration for my health care. Most of you all out there in Hookahland seem to be in your 20's. I reckon when you are my age those entitlement programs that came out of the Great Depression are going to be gone. Listen to Conservative talk radio, everyone on welfare, disability,social security and unemployment are parasites. That's where things are going, for better or for worse, who knows, America is broke, and barring some miracle is going to slide into that club of past great powers like the UK and France. By 2050 it's going to be a very different world.


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