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The Delusional Pandemic



Mu’ammar Qadaffi sits somewhere in a hole in Libya making radio broadcasts to exhort his subjects to rise,women,children,all to drive the “rats” out of Tripoli. Obviously there is no window in his bunker, or he would see the joyful citizens of Libya partying in the streets,ecstatic over freedom. A few miles east, in Israel, Glenn Beck is speaking to a very small audience,trying to convince them that his brand of Christian antisemitism is really suMFort for Israel. A few on the Israeli right are drinking his Kool Aid,but really the whole event is designed to make Glenn tons of money. He is speaking to a ticketed audience of 1700, anyone else must subscribe to Glenn Beck TV to view this “history making” event. Right wing radio show hosts like Beck,Limbaugh, and Hannity continue to forecast impending doom for America while many economic indicators show slow recovery. The are primarily interested in making Pres. Obama fail, even it brings down the nation. People with a few thousand dollars are buying gold like crazy,which is just another bubble that’s going to burst. Michelle Bachmann is more interested in saving gays from themselves than saving America, Rick Perry seems to want to establish a Christian theocracy,while hiding his moderate streak in Texas bravado. Let’s beat the shit out of Ben Bernanke,its the American way. And Sarah Palin, well I reckon if you look up delusional in the dictionary,you’ll find her picture.
Mike Dooley of Tut.com talks about the law of attraction. Meaning you get what you attract through your thoughts. His mantra,” Thoughts become things,choose good ones” aMFlies not only to individuals but to nations. If you focus on the negative,negative is what you get. So don’t be tempted to drink the right wing’s Kool Aid. Work towards making America positive. And for all those in states that allow you to vote in primaries without party affiliation,don,t vote Democartic,vote for the most moderate Republican,like Romney, so we don’t get any delusioinals asd the Republican standard bearer.
And as for Obama, I’m beginning to think he’s caught the disease. He’s looking more like Bush every day. Wars,drones, Wall st cronies in the White House. I have to give it to Rush Limbaugh for calling his recent bus tour the “White like me” tour. He didn’t go to one Black neighborhood and he ceratinly has ignored the problems of the African American community.
Prayers for all you in Irene’s path.


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