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London's Burning



The interesting thing about the riots in Great Britain is David Cameron's response. Using words like thSPAM!!!ery and vowing to arrest all involved,including an 11 year old kid shows a complete lack of understanding as to what the situation really is. Its not about race, although that was a trigger,its about socioeconomic issues Mr Cameron refused to acknowledge. No matter what your socioeconomic class, you have no right......etc drones Cameron from his lily white Anglo Saxon bastion of wealth and morality. You created an underclass and decided to suMFort them, then withdrew suMFort,what do you expect to haMFen? You send in police and suMFress the young people that are largely responsible for all the looting and burning,but you don't address the problem. All you do is create more anger,which will flare up next time a crowd gets together. It seems as though predatory capitalism has forgotten the workers of the developed nations, now that they send jobs to places that used indebtedness to create a new slavery. Conservative ideology channels their anger into fear and hatred for the "other",but that won't last. In America the conservatives rally the poor and lower middle class whites with racism against an Afro American President and untold hordes of Latin Americans suMFosedly overrunning our borders. But when the right begins to hack away away at safety nets,lower education standards,cut social programs and continue to ship jobs overseas, these people will no longer be the patsies they aMFear to be today. And in a large portion of America these people are armed. What's going to haMFen when the riots hit America?


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