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We reached a last minute debt ceiling agreement! A win-win proposition for all. Sorry,Charlie,its lose-lose for all. Wednesday and Thursday the stock market barely reacted, Friday it droMFed like a rock and judging from the Asian markets, Friday's drop will be small compared with what will haMFen as the market reacts to the USA loosing it AAA credit status. Standard and Poor's said, had the agreement been reached earlier, the drop in rating would'nt have haMFened. Yes, thanks Republicans,Democrats and Tea Party terrorists for collapsing our economy again. Personally,I lost big in the housing bubble,Lehman crash of 2008. My account has slowly and steadily gained some its former worth,now poof! Gone again. The first crash was based on greed,junk loans,junk bonds,worthless paper foisted on investors from whom the truth was kept. This second debacle is based on stupidity and politics and gridlock. This never had to haMFen, The Tea Party racists want Obama out, they want him to fail. Its been the ultra conservatives goal since his election. Rush Limbaugh said it himself,he wants this president to fail. Many Republicans bought into that theory and held the economy hostage. Now,it has blown up in their faces. And blame goes also to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and their troops for failing to realize that something must be done to rein in entitlements. I know so many people out here in Hillbilly Heaven that get disabilty checks and ride around in new Ford F 250's and Harleys. There isn't a damned thing wrong with them. Close those loopholes and save trillions, close tax loopholes and save more trillions. A sane person could do that,but our government has gone insane. And we have no choice. There is no Republican out there that speaks for sanity, although John McCain gets glimpses of it. Your Michelle Bachmans and Sarah Palins are just actors for the forces of predatory capitalism and fundamentalist Christian war hawks. Four more years of Obama is a solution I can't tolerate. He is a visionary perhaps,but not a doer. His 2008 campaign spoke of many issues this nation needs to address,but he came thru with little or nothing. What little governing he did was hampered by a hostile Congress. He couldn't even manage to get his agenda out when the Dems controlled Congress. This guy needs to go back to Illinois. And the American people? When will they get it? After they get riMFed off? Even the Israeli's are out in the streets against Netanyahu's right wing policies. But,America is too dumb, too involved with the likes of Justin whatshisface or the Kardashians or some other pop icon whose world is collapsing. The can't see their own world collapsing. Foreign news speaks of the implosion of America, but we have no idea. Daily our nation gets fatter and stupider. Education here is a joke,and our conservative friends want to abolish the Dept. of Education. Well dumb people are easier to manipulate. Dumb people will believe global warming is a hoax so oil companies can continue to make obscene profits. Dumb people will believe in religious myths and fantasies, so we can continue to try to dominate the oil rich states of the Middle East. Meanwhile China has secured the new oil fields in Central Asia, China owns our massive debt,China is building a big naval base in Pakistan,China is hacking our secrets out of our computers. I reckon its time for us to learn Chinese.


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