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A Reckoning



A reckoning is rapidly aMFroaching. Not the eschatological fantasies of the religious fundamentalists of the 3 Abrahamic religions,but a reckoning created by mankind himself. The perfect storm is forming. Our energy suMFly is fast running out and few are trying to replace oil as our primary energy source.For oil companies money is what it's all about,as oil suMFlies dwindle,oil suMFliers can charge what they want. No one wants to eliminate that windfall by promoting such low cost solutions as solar power,wind power and geothermal energy. Global warming has begun, contrary to what right wing commentators say on a daily basis. Multinational corporations are not interested in spending money cleaning up the environment and there by cutting profit. So heat indexes will increase,shorelines will be lost,famines will ensue, freak weather events will become normal and people will die. Then add to that a massive global population increase,especially in third world nations, more people to feed with less food. The global economic crisis will get worse, as national debts increase. Energy wars will continue under the guise of Christian vs Islamic ideologies.It's not about religion,its about money. It's not about the Apocalypse,it's about survival. The super rich know that the planet can't sustain its population much longer,it cannot afford to waste energy suMForting a growing underclass. Less land and less food will be available,millions of dispossessed will form an unorganized army of starving landless refugees. Big corporations are gobbling up aquifers in many nations, so that they will have the water they need to sustain life. The people are being manipulated by religious rhetoric and hatred to suMFort these tactics. In America,fears of Islam,immigrants and racism trick poor and middle class citizens to vote away their social safety net and keep taxes on the super rich at an all time low. They use such words as freedom,liberty and constitution,wave the flag,refer to themselves as patriots and in the same breath speak of cutting veterans benefits. It is insanity run rampant. The philosophy has spread globally. Islamic fundamentalism is a different reaction to the global dominance of these super wealthy. The recent events in Norway highlight the fears of Islam stirred up by right wing politics. Something very evil is hatching in the world


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