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Icons Of The Right Support Tyranny In Egypt



Is that over the top? Maybe,but both Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin(finally found Egypt on the map) said that basically Mubarak is a nice guy and that all the freedom and liberty rhetoric coming from Tahrir square was just window dressing.(Just like it is from the mouths of Palin,Cheney and Beck) These guys love authoritarian tyranny,you can impose your morals on everyone. As for any one even thinking of using the word Muslim, that immediately puts them into the terrorist classification.
Another interesting note ,George W Bush canceled his trip to Switzerland because of security concerns( Swiss Jihadist Liberation Army??) No, the Swiss were considering arresting him for human rights violations in Guantanamo and elsewhere. Hmmm more freedom and liberty.
Some Egyptians have jokingly sSPAM!!!ested that Saudi Arabia build a nice little town for all the dictators sent packing. That's where Tunisia,s Ben Ali went and Mubarak might go. Seems like George and Dick might enjoy bingo and shuffleboard(no quail hunting!) with people of like minds. Idi Amin's old house is available.
And a warning to the "we try to please everyone" Obama administration, who still can't quite cut the ties to ole Mr Stability,Mubarak. if gets the boot, don't, I repeat don't even think of giving him asylum in America. If Jimmy Carter hadn't let the Shah of Iran(ole Mr freedom and democracy) into the US for cancer treatment, the students in Tehran would not have attacked the US embassy and taken hostages.
Oh yeah and it seems Ronald Reagan has been declared a God. Always liked those old Roman touches.


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